Special prize
Trishul is a premium bio-fertilizer developed by Multiplex and marketed by Way2Agribusiness India Pvt Ltd. It enhances phosphorus uptake in plants, promotes resistance to fungal root diseases like root wilt and root rot, and suppresses nematode infestations. By incorporating Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), Trishul acts as an extension of plant roots, increasing nutrient absorption and water retention under stress conditions. Trusted for its outstanding performance, Trishul is securely delivered across South India with 100% quality assurance.
Designed for diverse crops, Trishul is available in liquid, powder, and granular forms. It supports various application methods, including seed treatment, soil application for nurseries and main fields, and drip irrigation. Key active ingredients include Mycorrhizal spp., ensuring better nutrient utilization, particularly phosphorus, through its symbiotic association with plants. Application is user-friendly, ranging from 1 liter per acre for liquids to 8 kg per acre for granular forms. To maximize effectiveness, avoid mixing Trishul with fungicides or bactericides. Available in multiple package sizes, Trishul is the sustainable choice for higher crop yields and healthier plants.
Suitable crops
All crops
Organic/ Inorganic
Root fungus - Mycorrhizal spp. (10 spore/gm and 1200 IP/g determined by MPN method with 10 fold dilution)
Available form
Liquid & Powder
Solubility in water
Method of application
Spray, drenching , broadcast
Application dosage
Mix 1 litre or 4 to 5kg Multiplex TRISHUL with 100 kg dried FYM/ Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast to one acre. For drench - mix 1 litre of TRISHUL in 200 litre of water and drench one acre of land through drip irrigation.
Quantity per acre
For liquid-based: 1 litre/acre , For Carrier-based (Granular – Powder): 8 kg / acre