Agri Clinic Product Categories

NPK 11:11:8

NPK 11:11:8

Special prize

₹730.00 /

1 ltr



NPK 11:11:8 is developed by SBTL and marketed by Way2Agribusiness Pvt. Ltd., is a liquid fertilizer that represents essential nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. This is also fortified with Zinc and Boron. NPK 11:11:8 is meticulously formulated for application through foliar spraying, drip irrigation, or soil drenching. This NPK fertilizer can also be used before sowing seeds to provide a balanced and targeted nutritional boost, promoting optimal growth and development in plants. By enhancing fruit and seed set, NPK 11:11:8 plays a crucial role in ensuring healthier plant outcomes.


Farmers can apply NPK 11:11:8 by various methods like drip, drench or by foliar spray. For Foliar application recommended dosage is 5-6 ml per litre of water. About 10 ml per litre of water recommended for drip/ drench for better results. This ensures effective nutrient absorption, improved fruit and seed set resulting in enhancing the overall plant health and productivity.



Samarth Bio Tech Ltd.

Suitable crops

All crops

Organic/ Inorganic



NPK 11:11: 8, trace elements of Zn and B

Available form


Solubility in water


Method of application

Drip, drench and foliar spray

Application dosage

5-6ml/ ltr of water (foliar), 10ml/Ltr of water (drip/ drench)

Quantity per acre

1 Ltr